
My studio, a place I love!

And…a whole new career I’m embracing 100%. For those of you who like GarageBand, I’ve found that recording and editing on that program has become one of my favorite things to do. And of course, I liked it more after spending hours learning and perfecting my skills. My studio is a soundproof room in our house, complete with recording equipment our son Dan picked out for me. AND – he made wall hangings out of the book covers he’s created for each of our 6 books – check out this picture of my studio with those book covers hanging over my recording equipment. Creating the right environment is really encouraging, not to mention cool.

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Finally learning to love revision…

…though it’s really not fun to rewrite or re-record your book, there are advantages. My first book was so difficult to write because the entire story line and characters and setting were being created for the first time. Writing sequels wasn’t as difficult because they fed off the basics that were put in place in the first book. But here we are, the entire trilogy online with BN, iTunes, and Amazon and all three recorded and available on Sounds like a done deal, right? Welllll….since I’m a lot more experienced writer than I was with my first book, Consuming Fire: An Alexa Silven Novel, my editor and now manager, Dan, and I have decided to rewrite and update Consuming Fire. At first, I was disagreeable because that’s a lot of work. But as we progress, I’m actually excited to see this story evolving into something I’m really proud of. My son Dan is »

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Movies I’d like to see, but…

you see, I made this promise to not go to movies that dishonor the one who suffered and died for us. And it doesn’t matter if it’s blasphemy or cursing, using the name of God or Jesus (one and the same). I just can’t picture Him going through all that and sit comfortably through any movie that abuses Him. Our words matter and someday, everyone is going to know that – without a doubt. So it’s not only what I hear but what I say that matters and for me, it’s easier to just not go to such movies because I’m very auditory and tend to eventually repeat what I hear, unless I’m extremely careful. Controlling your tongue is TOUGH and I don’t know anyone who’s accomplished this – including me. It’s a struggle, but at least I’m in the fight…and I’m in it to win it, God helping me »

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Now THAT was a hurricane!

Wow! Though I was born and raised in West Palm Beach, FL, Irma was the strongest and scariest hurricane I’ve ever had the displeasure to meet. Those wind gusts, reported at 70+ mph, were continual and relentless. Streets flooded, including in our neighborhood & in front of our house, and the lake came at least 5 feet into our backyard (as you can see in these pix). The next door neighbor’s dock was also flooded and created the most unusual optical illusion. I’m downloading the picture for you to see this – it’s that strange! And no, there are no pilings in the middle of this dock…. see what I mean?

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Bulletproof Wedding is…

…finally available on! This is the last book in the Alexa Silven trilogy. Can’t tell you how difficult it was to read, remove all extraneoous noises, and edit this recording. But I’m really glad I’ve learned these new skill sets. If you’re not learning and growing, you’re stagnating…at least that’s how it seems to work for me. You know, like spinning your wheels in the mud –  lots of stuff flying in all directions, but you’re really not going anywhere. Catch the action in the Alexa Silven novels!

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