
Believing When You Can’t See It Yet

Have you ever waited a long time for a dream to come true, only to eventually start to lose hope? I started writing Consuming Fire thirty-one years ago, revised it ~17 times, and finally my son/partner and I published the final version on earlier this year. We hired a PR agent in NYC and immediately landed my first interview, on live TV, no less, and two radio interviews — one from Sacramento, CA and one in Ocala, FL. We also got a great book review (check for links in previous blogs). I thought we were on our way!! Then, nothing! That’s right, nothing happened after that! Bottom line: it’s not fun to walk through the desert with no oasis in sight. But I’ve come to the conclusion that this is what real faith is all about… trusting & believing God has plans for your future & is working things together for your »

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