
“Hacksaw Ridge”

When you see this movie, you know you are seeing a quality, blockbuster film. I usually don’t recommend movies, but this one is exceptional. Hope you get a chance to see it – you’ll be inspired and amazed.

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Audio Underway!

It’s a ton of fun…, or is that work? Getting the chapters together for the final recording… it’s like learning a new skills set – audio recording and editing is WORK but also fun – that is, when it’s done! The Creatives at the Apple Store are really helpful with teaching me about Garageband. Thank the good Lord that they are there! Submission of first novel, Consuming Fire: An Alexa Silven Novel should happen by the end of November….hope approves it.

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Voice Over Challenges

November 11 – So much to learn and do here! Guess recording a book on GarageBand is better when each chapter is recorded on the same track. So, very simply, I learned that recording a chapter into segments is problematic in “gluing” them together into continuous chapters and then into one single book format. The more I learn, the more comfortable I become with audible media and at this point, I’m enjoying doing voice overs and developing  a new skill. Hey! – at least it beats boredom!

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