Have you ever waited a long time for a dream to come true, only to eventually start to lose hope? I started writing Consuming Fire thirty-one years ago, revised it ~17 times, and finally my son/partner and I published the final version on Amazon.com earlier this year. We hired a PR agent in NYC and immediately landed my first interview, on live TV, no less, and two radio interviews — one from Sacramento, CA and one in Ocala, FL. We also got a great book review (check for links in previous blogs). I thought we were on our way!! Then, nothing! That’s right, nothing happened after that! Bottom line: it’s not fun to walk through the desert with no oasis in sight. But I’ve come to the conclusion that this is what real faith is all about… trusting & believing God has plans for your future & is working things together for your »
Lots Going On
Going back to college, Valencia to be exact, to study Public Relations courses and become my own public relations agent! But WOW!! Who can afford a NYC PR agent at $2000/month? Definitely not me!
Do Your Own PR Work & Save $$$$
Getting ready to take a PR course at Valencia Community College and hope we can start contacting the radio and TV stations, etc., for ourselves. Hope this works as well as we’d like! Also, hope we can find the perfect media data base. All this stuff is frightfully expensive!! Just a little bit of FAITH goes a long way!!!
A Bali-high Experience!
Bali?! Alexa Silven will travel to great distances to unfold the identity of the blackmailer scamming art in the Black Market under the alias “Angelo.” Does she uncover him? Does she let him live? Find and follow the action in the Alexa Silven murder/mystery trilogy available @ $.99 at cbhoffmann.com and BN, iTunes, and Amazon.com. Also available and narrated by the author at Audible.com.
Hot on the Trail!!

If her blackmailer & Black Market scammer is hiding, even this ominous tunnel won’t protect him! Near Hurricane Ridge, WA, Alexa Silven is determined to unearth Angelo’s location. Get the detective mystery, available at cbhoffmann.com, BN, iTunes, or Amazon.com, or at Audible.com.