Movies I’d like to see, but…

you see, I made this promise to not go to movies that dishonor the one who suffered and died for us. And it doesn’t matter if it’s blasphemy or cursing, using the name of God or Jesus (one and the same). I just can’t picture Him going through all that and sit comfortably through any movie that abuses Him. Our words matter and someday, everyone is going to know that – without a doubt. So it’s not only what I hear but what I say that matters and for me, it’s easier to just not go to such movies because I’m very auditory and tend to eventually repeat what I hear, unless I’m extremely careful. Controlling your tongue is TOUGH and I don’t know anyone who’s accomplished this – including me. It’s a struggle, but at least I’m in the fight…and I’m in it to win it, God helping me with His grace and strength and forgiveness when I blow it. It’s at least worth the effort, isn’t it?