We’ve finished rewriting the first book, Consuming Fire: An Alexa Silven Novel 4th Edition, and Dan & I are VERY Happy with this rewrite! I hate revisions, but I am learning the value and benefit of excellence! Also, check out our first film of the action scene in the first chapter of this same book. We’re getting great reviews! The new audio book will be downloaded to Audible.com in the next few days!
Soundproof Panel

Dan suggested and designed a wooden soundproof panel that is now hanging over my studio recording desk. Check out the video here. It took four people to corroborate over three days to saw 2×2 boards into various heights, sand them, arrange them on the panel, and glue them into place. Then Dan painted it and he and John hung it over the desk. This was a major project with major rewards. We are all hoping the book recordings for Audible.com will attain a new level of professional sound. Can’t wait to get started!