There are five components that constitute a good story: character, conflict, setting, plot, and resolution (although some adventures, such as Star Wars or Lord of the Rings end an episode with a temporary or partial resolution to an ongoing struggle, leading into the next episode). These components keep the story flowing and allow the action to follow a logical progression. Without these main elements, a story remains underdeveloped and usually lacks clear purpose or conclusion. This article will deal with these five components, starting with character and conflict, and how to develop the three essential characters in fiction: hero, victim, and villain. Let’s focus on the hero, first, who is the main character in any story, whether it’s fiction or nonfiction. Character The Hero The hero, also called the protagonist, is the core of your story and he/she always has a goal or ambition—a purpose that is driving his/her actions. All characters, plots, actions and motives serve to drive the »
Best New Fiction Audio Drama Podcast 2019

This exciting new audio drama podcast is forthcoming in 2019! Based upon the inspirational Christian fiction novel, “Consuming Fire: An Alexa Silven Novel” by CB Hoffmann, this is the first book in the Alexa Silven Trilogy! Hit the play button for an exclusive preview of the forthcoming audio drama podcast “Fashion Assassin Podcast!” With an anticipated release date of June 2019, sign up at to be the first to know when the series goes live! Fashion Assassin Podcast featured artwork of the forthcoming audio drama podcast from CB Hoffmann and Dan Hoffmann Never any sex, drugs or cussing. Only suspense, action, and mystery that’s complete with sound effects, suspenseful music, and voices exclusively by family members Dan Hoffmann, Mark Hoffmann, & John Hoffmann and female voices and narration by the author, CB Hoffmann. This is a preview of the ground-breaking first episode of the Fashion Assassin Podcast! The episodes »
A Fan Asks About Marketing:

Hello! You pose many interesting propositions about science and humanity. I agree that campfires were probably the first TV’s (of sort) — in that people communed around them, and did you know — before literature was written, the folktales and tales of heroic valor (re: King Arthur, Beowulf, etc.) were told and ballads were sung and embellished, probably around campfires, as well as in the courts of the kings. Your book sounds interesting. These are the marketing strategies we have used and we have been getting radio and podcast interviews (& 1 TV interview last week). Maybe you should try the following: 1. Creating your own media database (look up college & other radio stations & record their pertinent info. into a Google database. Include phone #, location, email address, names of talk show hosts & producers, address, etc.) Create a column for recording when you contact them & their »
KMA Land Radio Interview
We want to send a shout out to Dean & Friends of KMA Land in Shenandoah, Iowa. This was a great interview!
Best Interview w/Ceddy J!!

We had such a great time with Ceddy J on the Life After Dusk Spot Radio Network! Haven’t laughed that much in a long time! Our thanks go to Ceddy J (who sounds a lot like Barry White)! Hope you continue to prosper! For a great listen, go to this link: Find us on, and don’t forget to get the Alexa Silven Trilogy, starting with “Consuming Fire: An Alexa Silven Novel” on Amazon, iTunes, BN, and
New Directions
A few years ago, I added voiceover recordings to writing skills and learned how to use Garage Band, a program on MAC computers. I thought that was difficult to master, but now I’ve learned how to research radios, Christian Artists, and Podcasts and add that data to a Google Docs database. Learning and growing new skills are components to an interesting life! Wonder what will be next?
Following Your Own Advice!

It’s hard to make this confession! I have WRITER’S BLOCK!! Doesn’t the American Pharmaceutical Corporation make any medicine for this condition?! They make it for everything else!! OK, seriously… I’m grateful for prayers to move me out of the mud. Inspiration needed here! Dan & Emille (in Malaysia and Bali) know what I mean!!
There’s Always Hope With God!
In His word, He promises that He will never leave us or forsake us. Even I have times when I want to run away from myself, so this is invaluable! He promises that NOTHING is impossible with Him. NOTHING MEANS NOTHING!! So keep your faith alive – even if it’s the size of a mustard seed, it’s powerful!! I’m asking Him to heal this messed-up nation. It’s like a new kind of civil war and we desperately need God to step in and save us before we self-destruct. Please, Lord, save America!!