This exciting new audio drama podcast is forthcoming in 2019! Based upon the inspirational Christian fiction novel, “Consuming Fire: An Alexa Silven Novel” by CB Hoffmann, this is the first book in the Alexa Silven Trilogy! Hit the play button for an exclusive preview of the forthcoming audio drama podcast “Fashion Assassin Podcast!” With an anticipated release date of June 2019, sign up at to be the first to know when the series goes live! Fashion Assassin Podcast featured artwork of the forthcoming audio drama podcast from CB Hoffmann and Dan Hoffmann Never any sex, drugs or cussing. Only suspense, action, and mystery that’s complete with sound effects, suspenseful music, and voices exclusively by family members Dan Hoffmann, Mark Hoffmann, & John Hoffmann and female voices and narration by the author, CB Hoffmann. This is a preview of the ground-breaking first episode of the Fashion Assassin Podcast! The episodes »
Revisions—Can’t Live With Them, Can’t Write Without Them

New Edition – First Book! It’s funny – I just wasn’t satisfied with my first novel. I mean, the plot and characters were good, but something bothered me. After writing 5 other books and rereading the first novel, Consuming Fire: An Alexa Silven Novel, I finally realized how I could revise it – there were a few “loose ends” – connections that I took for granted the reader understood – which I always told my students NOT to do. I used to remind them that the reader is not inside your head… Right! So taking my own advice, I set out to rewrite it and with the help of my partner/son, Dan, we did just that!! WOW! It was worth all the effort, too. Soon, it will be posted online as the 4th Edition, in place of the original text, and we couldn’t be happier. It’s a great feeling to be completely »