Writer’s Blog

I am someone who HATES revisions. And that’s pretty strange coming from a retired high school English teacher, right? My first book, Consuming Fire: An Alexa Silven Novel, was begun 30 years ago and went through 14 revisions before we published it as an ebook. Those revisions were basically due to changes in content as I got all the characters’ personalities figured out and as I realized that some scenes were just-over-the-line improbable.

Now, since my son has become my content editor, we decided to REWRITE the first book, updating all references and usages of technology (including photography) and substituting ride-shares for cabs. What an amazing endeavor! I now know the depths that revision can take. The job is done and now we need a new title – one that incorporates the old title but definitely indicates this is one new & improved mystery/suspense thriller. Got any ideas?

And finally, I’ll have to record an entirely new audio book. Be looking for it. The fun has just begun!