Finally! A movie that claims to be Biblical and is actually based on scriptures! Aside from one short scene that is “Hollywood liberty,” it’s all good and all fantastic! That one scene is believable, though, and based on the Biblical character, so it doesn’t stray into disrespectful territory. I’ve seen it three times, so I obviously recommend it. If you haven’t seen it, don’t miss it!
Cooking Healthy Food
Healthy food is being perfected in my kitchen, so here are a few photos of current items. Most of these are prepared with olive oil or coconut cooking spray, garlic, onions, scallions, portobello mushrooms, oregano, Italian seasoning, basil, cumin, and parsley. Leave out the salt, but pepper is OK. In some items, you can see that asparagus or zucchini vegetables have been added. If marinades or sauces are desired, only those with no sugar or sodium will maintain the healthiness of the food item. This salad uses only no sugar or salt dressing.
It’s Alive!
We’ve finished rewriting the first book, Consuming Fire: An Alexa Silven Novel 4th Edition, and Dan & I are VERY Happy with this rewrite! I hate revisions, but I am learning the value and benefit of excellence! Also, check out our first film of the action scene in the first chapter of this same book. We’re getting great reviews! The new audio book will be downloaded to in the next few days!
Billy Graham – A Man to Remember
Try to imagine the scene in heaven – rejoicing and shouts of exclamations as a faithful servant runs to the arms of his loving God! What to say after picturing this scene? We pray that in his death, even more souls will be won to Jesus Christ than in his lifetime. Hallelujah! Well done, Billy Graham, with a race well run!! Mercy Me’s inimitable song, “I Can Only Imagine” so aptly applies here!
Valentine’s Day 2018

It was a sweet surprise, getting flowers from my husband and two sons on Valentine’s Day! But what’s even better, is the rarity of having them all together and going to dinner with the entire family! But for breakfast, we went to Chick-fil-A!! The restaurant in Winter Springs, on Tuskawilla and Red Bug Rds. is our favorite – mainly because of the two great people in the Chick -fil-A photo: Chauncy and Michelle. When we go here, it’s like seeing our friends! And somehow, they’re always glad to see us. They treat all their customers like this – a real experience!
Rocket Launch!
The Space X Falcon Heavy (did I get that right?) was unlike any other launch I’d viewed. The majority of the smoke accumulated at the base of the launching pad in huge billows. The rocket itself left a contrail which seemed a bit less heavy than the space shuttles. But the one thing that was unique occurred when the rocket boosters returned to Earth and landed on the launching site. Really, the whole operation was in a class all its own. Glad I was on the shoreline of Titusville, watching this event with Dan, who had new camera equipment that recorded the launch.
Our First Live-Action Film
I never knew filming could be so much fun! But the people you’re working with make a major impact! Thanks to Dan, my partner and son, who came up with the idea, organized the actors and crew, filmed it, and edited the film later. Good place to comment that filming seems a lot more fun than editing. This man really worked hard and I love the results! I also want to thank his wife, Emille, who played Alexa Silven and his friend, Danny, who played the role of the cop. He added an air of authority and that made the action so authentic, I was glad I wasn’t the person he was looking for! And of course, Pastor Kim Payne of Grace Presbyterian Church ( made the filming possible by graciously providing the beautiful church. Mike Kuzenka, from Valencia State College film program, was instrumental with the wealth of knowledge »
Revisions—Can’t Live With Them, Can’t Write Without Them

New Edition – First Book! It’s funny – I just wasn’t satisfied with my first novel. I mean, the plot and characters were good, but something bothered me. After writing 5 other books and rereading the first novel, Consuming Fire: An Alexa Silven Novel, I finally realized how I could revise it – there were a few “loose ends” – connections that I took for granted the reader understood – which I always told my students NOT to do. I used to remind them that the reader is not inside your head… Right! So taking my own advice, I set out to rewrite it and with the help of my partner/son, Dan, we did just that!! WOW! It was worth all the effort, too. Soon, it will be posted online as the 4th Edition, in place of the original text, and we couldn’t be happier. It’s a great feeling to be completely »