Hello! You pose many interesting propositions about science and humanity. I agree that campfires were probably the first TV’s (of sort) — in that people communed around them, and did you know — before literature was written, the folktales and tales of heroic valor (re: King Arthur, Beowulf, etc.) were told and ballads were sung and embellished, probably around campfires, as well as in the courts of the kings. Your book sounds interesting. These are the marketing strategies we have used and we have been getting radio and podcast interviews (& 1 TV interview last week). Maybe you should try the following: 1. Creating your own media database (look up college & other radio stations & record their pertinent info. into a Google database. Include phone #, location, email address, names of talk show hosts & producers, address, etc.) Create a column for recording when you contact them & their »
Best Interview w/Ceddy J!!

We had such a great time with Ceddy J on the Life After Dusk Spot Radio Network! Haven’t laughed that much in a long time! Our thanks go to Ceddy J (who sounds a lot like Barry White)! Hope you continue to prosper! For a great listen, go to this link: https://tinyurl.com/y3bdnk47. Find us on cbhoffmann.com, and don’t forget to get the Alexa Silven Trilogy, starting with “Consuming Fire: An Alexa Silven Novel” on Amazon, iTunes, BN, and Audible.com.
Following Your Own Advice!

It’s hard to make this confession! I have WRITER’S BLOCK!! Doesn’t the American Pharmaceutical Corporation make any medicine for this condition?! They make it for everything else!! OK, seriously… I’m grateful for prayers to move me out of the mud. Inspiration needed here! Dan & Emille (in Malaysia and Bali) know what I mean!!
Poolside in Malaysia!
Alexa would take a dip, but she’d have to lose the Glock! She’d go to any depths; nothing will stop her pursuit of Angelo. Ending his encrypted emails, demanding the elimination of influential businessmen who are aware of his Black Market scams. His threats to expose her turbulent past and the indiscretions of her pastor-father had to end —now! But Angelo wasn’t going down without a fight. Get into the riveting action! available through cbhoffmann.com, or just $.99 on iTunes, BN, or Amazon.com.
Believing When You Can’t See It Yet
Have you ever waited a long time for a dream to come true, only to eventually start to lose hope? I started writing Consuming Fire thirty-one years ago, revised it ~17 times, and finally my son/partner and I published the final version on Amazon.com earlier this year. We hired a PR agent in NYC and immediately landed my first interview, on live TV, no less, and two radio interviews — one from Sacramento, CA and one in Ocala, FL. We also got a great book review (check for links in previous blogs). I thought we were on our way!! Then, nothing! That’s right, nothing happened after that! Bottom line: it’s not fun to walk through the desert with no oasis in sight. But I’ve come to the conclusion that this is what real faith is all about… trusting & believing God has plans for your future & is working things together for your »
Lots Going On
Going back to college, Valencia to be exact, to study Public Relations courses and become my own public relations agent! But WOW!! Who can afford a NYC PR agent at $2000/month? Definitely not me!
Do Your Own PR Work & Save $$$$
Getting ready to take a PR course at Valencia Community College and hope we can start contacting the radio and TV stations, etc., for ourselves. Hope this works as well as we’d like! Also, hope we can find the perfect media data base. All this stuff is frightfully expensive!! Just a little bit of FAITH goes a long way!!!
Silven Flees Assassins
Fleeing hired assassins, Alexa Silven strives to uncover her blackmailing nemesis. “Consuming Fire: An Alexa Silven Novel,” first in a trilogy, is available at cbhoffmann.com, BN, iTunes, and Amazon.com in ebooks, paperbacks & from Audible.com.
Writer’s Block
Running out of ideas, or never coming up with the perfect ones can be daunting. Truth is, writing isn’t as easy as some may erroneously think. But if you’ll consider your purpose for writing, it should help you get on the right track. For instance, if you want to entertain your audience, think of irony as the master of irony, O. Henry, taught us in The Ransom of Red Chief. Maybe take time to read it; after all, it’s a really short story. If you want to teach or inform, consider what would be the most important thing for you to share. If you want to persuade, then what is so important to you that others should understand? Maybe even decide you’re right? Go to the webbing chart I posted earlier and start kicking around some ideas. I heard that Marjorie Rawlings was rejected by publishers until one of them challenged her to write »