When working on my master’s degree, I had the opportunity to hear a speech by a famous YA literature author, specializing in initiation stories for middle schoolers. The majority of his stories are outdoor adventures, but one of his well-known stories begins with a scene he said he refused to allow his children to read. That was in 1996, and I’m still wondering… how could anyone write something he/she wouldn’t allow his own children to read but then have it published for other people’s children to read? I personally disagree with that philosophy. I won’t write anything I’d be ashamed of any of my past students reading, let alone my own children. I think that as your reading audience, everyone’s children should be as important to you as your own. What gives a writer the right to use people’s minds as dumpsters?
Self-Improvements Don’t Come Easy
An amazing thing is happening. I asked the Father to help me change according to His will. I’m discovering Him as a counselor, the best! It’s encouraging to know He cares this much and He is answering my prayers… and it all begins with me. This is what I’ve learned so far: * Though I thought I’d forgiven my husband and in-laws many times over the years, I wouldn’t still be struggling with these memories and emotions if I had really forgiven them. * Forgiveness is not a matter of choice and it’s not based on whatever offense you’ve suffered. It’s a command and for those who want to deepen their relationship with Christ, it’s not just a command, it becomes the deepest desire of your soul to obey Him. * It is obedience I’m being taught. Obedience in forgiving, despite any wounds or offenses suffered, and »
Consuming Fire is ALIVE!!
The very first book, Consuming Fire: An Alexa Silven Novel, needed updating! So much technology in it, that it required updating to keep up with today’s newest developments and improvements… just like computer scientists who need to stay current with the newest programming languages. So, this announces that the 4th version of this Consuming Fire novel is now available on Amazon, iTunes, and BN. A new feature with Amazon is that it is not only available as an ebook, but is now also available in printed paperback format. Can’t wait to get my hands on this book, a labor of love by Dan and me – and we are satisfied this version is “New & Improved” – a must-read! The Audible.com book should be released soon! Stay tuned for updates!
Where the Red Fern Grows
Even after 29 years of teaching English in secondary-level public schools, I have to admit that all the reading I’ve had to do leads me back to one book, Where the Red Fern Grows, by Wilson Rawls. I mean, in just one of the courses I had to take while studying for my master’s degree I had to read 80 books in three months. Now, that’s a lot of reading and I truly burned out on reading – but I still enjoy reading this book by Rawls. So much so, that I am bringing the idea of a “memory book” project, based on reading this book and recording childhood memories that it might evoke, to residents in an independent living facility. I hope and pray it will bring them the beauty of fond memories that it has brought me. But, by the way, my favorite book remains the Bible – the only »
Finally! A movie that claims to be Biblical and is actually based on scriptures! Aside from one short scene that is “Hollywood liberty,” it’s all good and all fantastic! That one scene is believable, though, and based on the Biblical character, so it doesn’t stray into disrespectful territory. I’ve seen it three times, so I obviously recommend it. If you haven’t seen it, don’t miss it!
Cooking Healthy Food
Healthy food is being perfected in my kitchen, so here are a few photos of current items. Most of these are prepared with olive oil or coconut cooking spray, garlic, onions, scallions, portobello mushrooms, oregano, Italian seasoning, basil, cumin, and parsley. Leave out the salt, but pepper is OK. In some items, you can see that asparagus or zucchini vegetables have been added. If marinades or sauces are desired, only those with no sugar or sodium will maintain the healthiness of the food item. This salad uses only no sugar or salt dressing.
It’s Alive!
We’ve finished rewriting the first book, Consuming Fire: An Alexa Silven Novel 4th Edition, and Dan & I are VERY Happy with this rewrite! I hate revisions, but I am learning the value and benefit of excellence! Also, check out our first film of the action scene in the first chapter of this same book. We’re getting great reviews! The new audio book will be downloaded to Audible.com in the next few days!
Billy Graham – A Man to Remember
Try to imagine the scene in heaven – rejoicing and shouts of exclamations as a faithful servant runs to the arms of his loving God! What to say after picturing this scene? We pray that in his death, even more souls will be won to Jesus Christ than in his lifetime. Hallelujah! Well done, Billy Graham, with a race well run!! Mercy Me’s inimitable song, “I Can Only Imagine” so aptly applies here!
Valentine’s Day 2018

It was a sweet surprise, getting flowers from my husband and two sons on Valentine’s Day! But what’s even better, is the rarity of having them all together and going to dinner with the entire family! But for breakfast, we went to Chick-fil-A!! The restaurant in Winter Springs, on Tuskawilla and Red Bug Rds. is our favorite – mainly because of the two great people in the Chick -fil-A photo: Chauncy and Michelle. When we go here, it’s like seeing our friends! And somehow, they’re always glad to see us. They treat all their customers like this – a real experience!
Rocket Launch!
The Space X Falcon Heavy (did I get that right?) was unlike any other launch I’d viewed. The majority of the smoke accumulated at the base of the launching pad in huge billows. The rocket itself left a contrail which seemed a bit less heavy than the space shuttles. But the one thing that was unique occurred when the rocket boosters returned to Earth and landed on the launching site. Really, the whole operation was in a class all its own. Glad I was on the shoreline of Titusville, watching this event with Dan, who had new camera equipment that recorded the launch.