This exciting new audio drama podcast is forthcoming in 2019! Based upon the inspirational Christian fiction novel, “Consuming Fire: An Alexa Silven Novel” by CB Hoffmann, this is the first book in the Alexa Silven Trilogy! Hit the play button for an exclusive preview of the forthcoming audio drama podcast “Fashion Assassin Podcast!” With an anticipated release date of June 2019, sign up at to be the first to know when the series goes live! Fashion Assassin Podcast featured artwork of the forthcoming audio drama podcast from CB Hoffmann and Dan Hoffmann Never any sex, drugs or cussing. Only suspense, action, and mystery that’s complete with sound effects, suspenseful music, and voices exclusively by family members Dan Hoffmann, Mark Hoffmann, & John Hoffmann and female voices and narration by the author, CB Hoffmann. This is a preview of the ground-breaking first episode of the Fashion Assassin Podcast! The episodes »
Book Give-away!
Thanks to everyone who claimed your free book! Enjoy reading & remember that books 2 & 3 of the Alexa Silven trilogy are only $.99 on iTunes, BN, & Amazon – or, go to and view & order all 6 of our novels. All 3 books of this trilogy are available on!!
Writing with Purpose!
It’s true, you know? Writers must write. We see people and events as story ideas and it never seems to end. The unending story belongs to writers with imagination and determination to write the best story God has placed within them. But if that’s the only purpose to writing – to write your best possible novel – what is your reward? Isn’t that rather personal and a bit solitary? Oh sure, some people will enjoy it, and maybe that’s enough for the writer. But that’s not enough for this writer. I want people to enjoy my books, sure! But I want it to inspire their lives, first and foremost. I want people, especially my readers, to know that their sins and grievous wrongs will not keep them from the love of God. Repentance, forgiveness, and reconciliation are the main themes of my books. Why? Because they are the main »
A Fantastic Radio Interview -4/27/18
{{unknown}} Totally enjoyed this interview with 2 wonderful and entertaining hosts, Larry & Robin at WOCA Radio in Ocala!
Fantastic Book Review!! Must Read –
‘Consuming Fire’ Completely Consumed Me
California Radio Interview
cid:0F12CE55-965C-468E-B81F-A9089062ECFB/ This is the link to the first 1/2 of my interview with Casey Freelove, Host/Production Director of FM 104.5/AM and 950 KAHI Radio! And what a great host he was! Below is the link to the second 1/2 of our interview. I am grateful to God for each and every door that He has opened and is opening! cid:AF3D8550-C32A-43B3-B414-BF1A4B9AC459/
Revisions—Can’t Live With Them, Can’t Write Without Them

New Edition – First Book! It’s funny – I just wasn’t satisfied with my first novel. I mean, the plot and characters were good, but something bothered me. After writing 5 other books and rereading the first novel, Consuming Fire: An Alexa Silven Novel, I finally realized how I could revise it – there were a few “loose ends” – connections that I took for granted the reader understood – which I always told my students NOT to do. I used to remind them that the reader is not inside your head… Right! So taking my own advice, I set out to rewrite it and with the help of my partner/son, Dan, we did just that!! WOW! It was worth all the effort, too. Soon, it will be posted online as the 4th Edition, in place of the original text, and we couldn’t be happier. It’s a great feeling to be completely »