Memory Book Venture

I’m embarking on a new venture: a new kind of book club. The book of choice is Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls, a combination of an autobiography and fiction. This initiation book was written with rich imagery as it describes the relationship of a young boy and his redbone hunting hounds in the Ozark Mountains. The time period is 1920’s – 1930’s, a decade to which most senior citizens can relate and most people have had a pet at some point in life. The plan is to read this book together, a chapter at a time, and relate to the experiences of the main character, either writing them down in a booklet or drawing them. This exercise allows people to create a memory book about their life experiences to pass on to posterity. My husband, John, will be assisting in helping senior citizens create books about their life memories as I read and guide them along. I can’t wait to see how this goes. It’s a shame how seniors are often forgotten and neglected. It’s stereotyping to think aging automatically means people become worthless and have nothing to offer. People have rich life experiences and many life lessons from which we can all learn. This should be interesting!