Wow! My partner/son, Dan, just got back from taking photos, videos, and vloging about touring the world, and things in our book company have kicked into high gear! We have developed a marketing plan, and with his skills in marketing and graphic design, we’re also ready to start pitching our DIY publishing ideas to radio stations, TV, etc. Be watching for us and if you want to see some phenomenal drone and underwater videos, go to We’ll post links as we get booked!
It’s Alive!
We’ve finished rewriting the first book, Consuming Fire: An Alexa Silven Novel 4th Edition, and Dan & I are VERY Happy with this rewrite! I hate revisions, but I am learning the value and benefit of excellence! Also, check out our first film of the action scene in the first chapter of this same book. We’re getting great reviews! The new audio book will be downloaded to in the next few days!
So grateful…

My whole family, husband John, and sons, Dan and Mark, have been supportive and helpful in producing our first film clip. Truly a family effort: Dan suggested the film, directed it, filmed it, edited it, and posted it on UTube. WOW!! Mark, struggling with a badly strained set of tendons in his right foot, managed to take care of the lighting, nonetheless. John filmed Dan filming the clip. Hmmm…. bloopers and out-takes are both fun and essential! Dan’s wife, Emille, played the main character and showed true acting ability. Our good friend, Danny Perri, gave us his acting debut as a city cop…. actually, he’s a state trooper so he was a natural! I’m grateful to each of you and I want to go on record as saying so!!! Love to you all!
Finding the Right Filming Location
We tried for three weeks to procure a church building, with stained glass windows, that would match the description in the first chapter of Consuming Fire: An Alexa Silven Novel. We planned to film the action scene from the first chapter. This was no small endeavor as most churches wanted to have a board meeting to decide. And then, there was the problem that none of windows were quite what we wanted. Meanwhile, our timing was crucial as both of our actors were only available for a couple of weeks. Dan motivated all of us to keep searching. On the last day before our planned shoot, we prayed and finally approached a church I’d previously disregarded, Grace Presbyterian Church in Winter Springs. For the first time, we pulled into their dirt parking lot, past the crew that was removing trees damaged by Hurricane Irma, and to the back of the church where »
Things are Moving Fast!
We did it! We made our own 2 1/2 min. movie of the action scene in the first chapter of the first book of the Alexa Silven trilogy. We are getting great reviews!! You can watch it here. You won’t regret it! My son and partner, Dan, is developing some great skills as a director & editor! I couldn’t be happier about the quality of this film!
We’re Making a Movie!!
I took a course in Introduction to Film Production at Valencia Community College this past Fall. It was an excellent overview and the teacher was very knowledgeable; I do recommend it if this is where your interest lies. Actually, one of the best aspects of taking this course was the knowledge my son, Dan, and I gained that will prove beneficial this coming Wednesday night! We will be filming a 5-minute clip of the action scene in the first chapter of my first book, Consuming Fire: An Alexa Silven Novel. Alexa Silven will be played by Dan’s wife, Emille, and a friend of Dan’s, who is in law enforcement, will play the investigating officer. This scene is intense but simple. Alexa has assassinated a man in the Oscarton Arts District of Texas. She has slipped away to an abandoned church where her twisted blackmailer has left her payoff money taped beneath »
A Movie Clip?
Forgot to mention that we are planning a movie clip of chapter one. Even got law enforcement involved – now that’s a major accomplishment! Stay tuned for updates. BTW, the Intro. to Film Production class at VCC is exceptional!