Some Good Netflix

So thrilled with “Taken” that we’ve been watching on Netflix. There are several things I appreciate, like the action and suspense/thriller plots mixed with mystery. Many of  the plots are similar to scenes from my trilogy: Consuming Fire, Murder by Design, and Bulletproof Wedding – all of which are Alexa Silven Novels. Aside from the thrill of seeing plots similar to mine in a movie, the lack of cursing is a bonus. Personally, I fast forward past any gratuitous sex scenes (unnecessary to the plot). In fact, there’s very little that’s offensive in the “Taken” series.  The action and plot drives each scene. That’s what you get when it’s worth watching… no sensationalism…nothing disgustingly or horrifically graphic – just to cover for a weak story. The acting and cinematography are to be commended. Try it out if you’re looking for a first class, refreshing change from the status quo. It will definitely keep your attention. I’ll be looking for more worthwhile films from these producers, directors, and actors.

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